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Seoul Friendship Festival 2019


BUTA AKFA has traditionally participated in the Seoul Friendship Festival 2019, which is traditionally held in Seoul every year.

The participation of our compatriots in the festival was supported by the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Korea and sponsored by BUTA International, the official distributor of Grante pomegranate juice in Korea. The festival, which was attended by more than 60 countries, showcased national culture, art and cuisine of different nations. Samples of dishes and sweets belonging to Azerbaijan were presented to the guests in the Azerbaijani pavilion, which was met with great interest by local residents and tourists alike. Their numerous questions were answered and detailed information about our country was provided. Saying that they got acquainted with Azerbaijani cuisine for the first time, the Koreans said they liked our food very much. Therefore, the fact that the word "Azerbaijan" took the first place among the most searched words in two days in "Naver", the largest search engine in South Korea with a population of more than 50 million, can be considered as a result of interest in our country.



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